About Me

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Dans sa peinture, Jane Courquin invite a une balade champetre, fleurie et tout en douceur et lumiere. Sa carte de visite artistique est bardee de diplomes et de ctitiques elogieuses outre-manche et en France. Courquin et son conjoint Nichollas Hamper, tout deux peintres professionnels britanniques, se sont installes a Verteuil-sur-Charente en 2005. Ils ont achete trois granges en ruine, au Coeur du village. Ils les ont patiemment transformees en une tres belle maison mais aussi en ateliers spacieux, ou ils vivent et travaillent.

Sunday 20 October 2013

a BiRd iN tHe HaNd OcT2013

>Mauve Field with Blackbird<  80x80 cm

This canvas continues my exploration into painting the local landscape here in the Charente, France. Mauves seem to pervade everything I see at the moment . A signature blackbird stands atop a winter cabbage grown at the Ferme Bio where I go to buy my weekly veg.


LeS dAhLiAs OcT2013

Summer's last blasts of colour come in the form of different shaped and coloured dahlias that spring up in the garden as Summer closes and Autumn settles in. I have attempted to capture the changing of seasons in this painting which also includes some of the everyday materials of the Artiste-peintre.

Monday 14 October 2013

LeS ChAmPs de ToUrNeSoLs OcT2013 SOLD

 Summer does not leave quietly in the Charente, but rather ends in a final burst of colour with the last sunflowers . The harvested flowers then leave fields of repetitive short sticks which I have also attempted to capture in this fieldscape painting.